BYC #55 – The Power of Words

Language is so useful to society, that the negative side of it is often totally ignored… and that’s that simple words can really shape our perception, and the framework of our language, can really cage our minds. Today, we’ll discuss the many ways that words and language can do that, while sharing a ton of examples and scientific studies. We’ll also talk priming, hypnosis power words, neurolinguistic programming, how words can be used to divide and control us, how to spin that for the positive… and much, much more.

BYC #53 – A Case for Cosmic Consciousness

Consciousness is something that has baffled people forever. What is it? Where is it? How do we even define it? I think the confusion sets in because it can mean so many different things to so many different people. It can mean anything from “our feeling of being awake”, to something extra-sensory and unknown within us, to a type of bond that connects us all. Today, I will make an argument for all of these descriptions… and more.

BYC #52 – Time Bomb Blows Holes in Science

Today, I started out with an intent to do a podcast about time, but while researching time the story naturally flowed in many other directions, into subjects that were so interesting they demanded to be included.  Many serious flaws were exposed, not only with regards to what science really knows, but with the entire establishment itself.   

Also included in this episode:  Newton was a tool, Blame Einstein, A world without time, Beavis got jokes, Wait, how did porn get into this experiment, Scientific American triggers me, Big Bang – my science shot me down, and so much more…

BYC #51 – Online Dating: Finding Love, in an Online World

Get ready for a super-fun conversation with my good friend April Hunter! This is one of the coolest podcasts I’ve ever done. We cover the world of online dating, the dirty tactics of Match, why you may not have had the luck you hoped for, how to protect yourself and decipher fake profiles, the most common complaints from a he-said/she-said viewpoint, some funny stories and give our winning pick for the best online dating app. In addition to that, we’re going to talk about ways of meeting people offline…. And on that front, we both went to a speed dating event the other day, so we’re gonna talk about that lovely experience as well. It’s a long podcast so buckle in or enjoy it in chunks!

BYC #50 – Choose Love, Every Time

Today I want to talk about a way of dealing with EVERY problem we face, as well as our lives in general, that will always end in a win… with love. This isn’t gonna just be a rah-rah show. I’m going to give specific examples. We’ll talk science. We’ll also talk metaphysics. We’ll share scenarios. We’ll talk philosophy… And I’m going to seriously provide an intelligent argument to convince you that love truly does win, every time.

BYC #49 – How Quantum Physics Can Make You Question Reality

Today’s show is gonna be a good one! We are going to talk about a lot of things within quantum physics that will blow your mind, including the double split experiment, the measurement problem, superposition, and entanglement. I’m going to explain them in clear, easy to understand words. Then we are going to talk about many theories within science based on trying to understand the results of experiments: the Many Worlds Theory, the Holographic Principle, Quantum Realism, Simulation Theory, and Biocentrism. Then we are going to discuss some crossovers between metaphysics and quantum physics that I both agree and disagree with.

BYC #48 – The Mysterious World of Sleep and Dreams

We spend a third of our lives asleep, and we dream for a large portion of the time we are asleep, but we have no idea what dreams are or why we have them.  Today we are gonna talk about dreaming.  I’m going to bring you a lot of information related to what we know, or think we know, along with my own thoughts on the subject.   We are also going to cover several things related to dreams, like lucid dreaming, sleep paralysis, people who act out their dreams, and how scientists are trying to figure out if they can change our waking thoughts and desires by manipulating our dreams.  We’re going to talk about the heavy abundance of negative dreams, and how I think we can change that.  We are also going to talk about many spiritual dream associations, like dream telepathy, precognition in dreams, shared dreams, time-travel in dreams, etc.  

BYC #47 – Perception

What if I told you that the consensus among experts in the neuroscience field is that we do NOT see the world as it truly is, at all? The truth is, we don’t! Every once in a while I come across a subject so amazing that it stuns me, and I just sit there thinking, “This is life changing! Why don’t they cover this in school?”

This has been one of the best of those subjects, and it has been a total game changer for how I view life on many levels. Today, we are going to cover a ton related to perception: The science behind perception; perception vs reality; many of the top studies on perception; and how we can use all of this information to better our lives.

BYC #46 – My Transformation at a Tony Robbins Seminar

I’ve always been a fan of Tony Robbins, who some people view as the best “life coach” on the planet, so when I saw he was doing a free, live, five-day seminar I jumped on it. I expected it to be entertaining. I expected to get something out of it. What I didn’t expect, was to have a meltdown and breakthrough on day one, that would lead me down a life changing path of discovery. Today I will get very personal, talking about my experiences in Tony’s seminar and how it transformed my life.

BYC #45 – The Power of Listening, with Jordan Harris

Today we will talk with Jordan Harris of the “HereWithJordan” YouTube channel about the power of listening. Jordan interviews complete strangers on the streets and asks them some really deep questions. The moments he captures are truly amazing. As much as the mainstream media tries to divide us, his videos show us that we are all not so different after all, and they show us how, by showing compassion and really listening and understanding each other, we can all find increased commonality and greater love as a society.

BYC #41 – Coronavirus Conspiracies

In today’s episode, we jump back into the coronavirus discussion. I’ll give an update on two protests which I have attended, and talk about how one of them was totally misrepresented by both sides of the debate. We will discuss a ton of things not getting much attention, that really make you question the narrative being pushed by the mainstream media. We will talk shelter in place orders, flattening the curve, hospitals going broke, fake news, censorship, and so many things that just don’t seem to make any sense whatsoever. Then we will hop into some common conspiracy theories surrounding this pandemic.

BYC #40 – Event 201: Dry Run For A Planned Event, Or Complete Coincidence?

On October 18, 2019, several high up officials got together for an exercise that simulated a coronavirus pandemic, which was spreading around the world with a possibility of killing 100-200 million people. Two and a half months later, the real virus erupted in China. Today we will take a deep dive into what was covered, as well as take a look at the question, “Was it a complete coincidence, or could it have been a dry run for a planned event?”

BYC #39 – Would Our Government and Our Media Ever Lie To Us?

We are living in times that are full of fear and anxiety for many right now. While we are focusing so intently on the enemy in front of us, there just may be the world’s biggest heist going on right behind our backs. Maybe we need to take our eyes off the enemy in front for a moment, and turn around before the bigger threat whacks us in the back of the head.

Today I am going to share a story full of information that you will likely never hear in the mainstream news. I’m not recommending anyone drop their guard completely with regard to either opponent. I only hope to get you thinking…

BYC #38 – Top 8 Psychological Studies on Behavior Modification

Information gathered from psychological studies can be used for either good or bad. In the hands of the wrong people, it can be used to guide your subconscious thoughts and actions, even when the direction you are being guided is not in your best interest. Today we are going to discuss the top 8 psychological studies related to behavior modification, and how you can use the knowledge of them to improve your life.

Listed below are the studies covered:

1) Pavlov’s Dog Experiment
2) Little Albert Experiment
3) Operant Conditioning
4) The Bobo Doll Experiment
5) The Asch Conformity Study
6) The Stanley Milgram Experiment
7) The Learned Helplessness Experiment
8) Cognitive Dissonance

BYC #37 – Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Although last year ended with some really great adventures, there were plenty of things about the year I was not happy with. In this episode we are going to look back at 2019, and then take a look forward to whats going to change in 2020. Also included: Saying goodbye, midlife crisis, the top five regrets of the dying, and why Modesto sucks even more than Houston.

BYC #36 – Cross Country Road Trip, Part 4 – Onward to New Orleans, and Clearwater, Florida

This episode concludes our cross country adventure. Sarah and I travel from San Antonio to New Orleans where we spend some time exploring the French Quarter and taking a steamboat down the Mississippi River. We then continue on and complete our journey, ending at Clearwater Beach, Florida. Also included: Houston sucks, REALLY long bridges, don’t swim in Lake Pontchartrain, staying alert in the French Quarter, kicking some British ass, don’t swim in the Mississippi, be careful where you park in Tallahassee, and how all of that becomes an incredible time I will never forget.

BYC #35 – Cross Country Road Trip, Part 3 – Roswell, into the Carlsbad Caverns, and on to San Antonio

The title pretty much says it all. Also discussed, a true divine intervention that may have saved our lives, a torrential downpour in Albuquerque, aliens in Roswell, the UFO Museum, a 750 foot elevator into an amazing, underground world, I can drive 85, spirits of the Alamo, wait staff that are forced to wear ratings on their aprons, and the incredible San Antonio Riverwalk.

BYC #34 – Cross Country Road Trip, Part 2 – Kingman, Route 66, and on to The Grand Canyon

In Part Two of our cross-country adventure, Sarah and I travel along Route 66, into The Grand Canyon and onward towards Roswell, New Mexico. Also discussed, the man who should have bought a lottery ticket, how I got lost and couldn’t find the Grand Canyon even though I was only steps away, elusive deer, men who hate Chipotle, men who hate the Grand Canyon, and the beautiful mood music of Paul Simon.

BYC #32 – Florida

A couple weeks ago my daughter and I set out to explore different places in Florida to see if it was a place she might want to live. We walked on heavenly beaches in Clearwater, failed a Forest Gump quiz miserably in Daytona, drove through some neighborhoods that were awesome, and some that were not. We had a surprise meetup in Orlando, went on an alligator hunt in Myakka, flew through Pandora on a banshee, watched the perfect sunset in Venice, and found ourselves amidst a surprise drag show during an amazing lunch on Tampa Bay. Today I’m going to take you along for a recap of sorts, and share some stories while giving you some good information about the state and areas within it.

BTC #31 – Leveraging Your Primary Residence to Quit Your Job and Travel the World

This month I’m bringing you a special episode with my friend Rob. His story is so awesome that I just had to bring it to you. I’ve listened to many stories of people who have gained financial independence through investment real estate and then pursued things they have always wanted to do. I’ve never heard of anyone leveraging their primary residence to do the same. Rob was able to use his primary residence to not only quit his job but also fund over a year of amazing travel experiences.

BTC #30 – Audio Christmas Card

This month’s show spends some time catching up on a personal level. I kind of do a “year in review” of all of our challenges and successes in 2017, and then I talk about plans for the coming year ahead. I also spend some time talking about my challenges in real estate, and looking back at the lessons I have learned with regards to successfully managing rental properties.

BTC #29 – Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Maria, and Nate blast the United States. Hurricanes are Everywhere! Is it Global Warming?

We’ve had a series of hurricanes blast the United States back to back, including Irma which did a ton of damage up through Florida and into Jacksonville where I own property. Being the second major near miss in two years, I was really interested in finding the answers to a couple questions: “Is the increase in hurricanes this year the result of man-made global warming?” and “Do I have reason for concern going forward with relation to investments in Florida?” …

BTC #28 – Diet Changes, “What the Health” Review, and Getting My Butt Kicked in Jacksonville

I’ve made a few small but drastic changes to my diet over the past few months which have had a huge impact on how I look and feel. I discuss those on this episode, as well as review a new documentary which many people are raving about (me, not so much) called “What the Health”. Then I wrap it up by talking about the butt kicking I took in Jacksonville a few weeks ago.

BTC #27 – Dealing With and Overcoming Stress

Stress can totally wear you down, and sometimes it only takes a few negative things happening to start a whole avalanche of stress and negativity which seems to come crashing down upon you with an incredible weight. Being able to effectively process and deal with stress, and lift that weight off you, is so important in maintaining a happy and healthy lifestyle, and it’s actually pretty easy to do with the right technique. This episode I talk about the many things which have been stressing me out over the past couple months, and some very effective ways which I have found for dealing with them.

BTC #26 – The Battle With GMO Companies and Pesticide Spraying in Hawaii

This month we tackle the problem of GMO companies, which are using Kauai as a testing ground for new products and spraying tons of very dangerous chemicals on the island. These companies are disrespecting both the people of Kauai and the land of Kauai on a massive scale. They poison them both without concern, all the while hiding smugly behind data which they control and laws which they help mold. Today we will swan dive into this issue with no holding back…

BTC #25 – Brainwashing a Nation: Propaganda Techniques Used to Manipulate You Every Day

Harriet Tubman once said “I freed a thousand slaves. I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.” I think of that and I wonder how many of us are truly aware of the propaganda techniques used every day to persuade the general population of this country to blindly fall in line with the wishes of others. It is amazing how easy we can be convinced to accept a less than stellar life, sacrifice our own freedoms and happiness, and send our children off to fight, kill and die in wars for the benefit of others…

BTC #24 – The Election is Over, But the Corruption Remains

Back in June I started what would end up becoming four months of intensive research into government corruption. With that knowledge fresh on my mind, it was amazing to watch the last election unfold. There were so many subjects which I had to make note of and research further, and it kept me pretty busy. We saw unprecedented exposure of the media and of the shadow government, and we have seen a ton of attempts to deflect that exposure by distracting us and turning us against each other, while still fighting to further their agenda.

BTC #23 – Living Outside the Box, and Traveling the World

Tim Czarkowski and his wife Victoria, had a dream of wanting to travel the world nonstop, and so they designed a lifestyle which has allowed them to do just that. Starting with basically nothing, Tim built up an impressive real estate portfolio in about five years time, which has allowed them to earn passive income to cover all of their bills and expenses. Victoria designed a career as a traveling nurse, which they can take on the road and which allows her to work all across America. About two years ago they set off in an RV and began traveling the United States, and the world.

BTC #22 – Hurricane Matthew and the Myth of Stability

I’ve talked in past shows about my real estate investing in Jacksonville, Florida. Things have been going great on that front for about a year. Then along comes Hurricane Matthew, a massive storm with the potential for a direct hit in Jacksonville carrying category four or five winds, a massive storm surge, and the potential to completely wipe me out. I’ve had a lot of people reach out to me this past week in the wake of Hurricane Matthew to ask how I am doing, and how the properties are…

BTC #21 – The Most Powerful Team You’ve Never Heard Of

Three months ago I started this series by doing a podcast on voter fraud, which ended up opening a whole can of worms and sent me on a frightening journey of discovery. At the end of that first podcast, I set out to learn how candidates are chosen for office. In order to find the answer to that question I needed to follow the money, and that search led me to last months show about very powerful banking interests. This month picks up from there and dives into the creation of an extremely powerful group which runs a startling number of this countries policies…

BTC #20 – The Golden Rule: Those Who Control the Gold, Make the Rules

That old saying, “The golden rule is that those who control the gold make the rules”, is no joke. For as long as money has been around, those who control it have had immense power. I think everyone is aware of the massive influence those with money can have over our individual politicians by funding their campaigns. The mystery lies behind the fact that most people believe the government itself is the sole entity with control over this county’s economy and money supply…

BTC #19 – The Game is Rigged: Why I Quit Voting.

Today I’m going to talk about my thoughts on “voting” and why I think it is designed to placate and control us, while only giving us the illusion that we have any control. We are also going to talk about the election process and the many ways it is rigged from the start to take control away from the general population. We are going to talk about the role the media plays in deciding elections and turning our population against one another.

BTC #18 – You’re 18. You’ve graduated. Now what?

Today we are going to talk to four incredible people who are all facing this leap together, my daughter and three of her best friends. They have formed an amazing friendship over the years and yet couldn’t come from any more different backgrounds when it comes to their schooling. We are going to talk about their thoughts on the school system, social programming, massive pressures at this point in life, and what parents do that can either alleviate this stress or increase it.

BTC #17 – Challenges I’ve Faced: Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

This episode was inspired by an email I received from a Water Sifu listener who was having a hard time with their first few days on the job. It got me thinking about the challenges we receive every day, which are all fantastic learning experiences, and how important it is to allow ourselves to step out of our comfort zones to meet them head on. In this episode I share some stories of my own personal hardships and challenges which I have had to face , both within the water industry and life in general.

BTC #16 – Plug Into Nature: Hiking Yosemite’s Mist Trail to Vernal Falls

I have been going through nature withdrawals lately, and yesterday I really needed to get away, so I went for a drive to Yosemite National Park, and hiked the Mist Trail to Vernal Falls. I really felt called to do this trip, partially to re-energize my batteries and partially to challenge a fear within me. Today we are going to talk about the importance of getting away from our screens and into nature, and then I’m going to take you with me on my journey into Yosemite, and on to Vernal Falls.

BTC #15 – Limiting Beliefs: Breaking Free of the Mold and Finding Our Happiness

In “Social Programming”, we discussed the machine that brainwashes us from birth and attempts to transform us into becoming social robots or “human resources”. In this show, which is kind of like a Social Programming Part 2, I want to talk about the end result of that programming, a mind full of limiting beliefs about who we are, what we are capable of, and what we should expect from our lives, a mind that tells us it’s normal to be unhappy, and a mind that stops us from taking steps towards happiness even when our inner voice is screaming at us to take action.

BTC #14 – Ultimate Kauai Guidebook Author, Andrew Doughty

Today I am totally honored to bring you the author of the Ultimate Guidebook Series, Andrew Doughty, in a rare and completely candid interview. Andrew has created four truly amazing guidebooks, often referred to by travelers as the “Blue Bibles”, and for good reason… His series of travel guidebooks are by far the most popular on the islands, and are also some of the most popular travel books in the world.

BTC #13 – Passive Income Online

In this “part two” episode of a series on earning passive income, in order to give us the freedom to fully enjoy our lives, we focus on how to earn passive income online. We compare real estate investing vs. online businesses for passive income potential. We also discuss my thoughts on the best ways to earn passive income online, different types on online income, how I got started, and the many benefits of an online business.

BTC #12 – Stop It

It’s amazing some of the places that you can learn lessons from, and in the past few months I’ve learned some very valuable lessons from some very unlikey sources… From the HBO series “Game of Thrones”, from 7th grade girls volleyball, and from Muslims. In this episode I discuss how each of them have taught me to be a better person in their own way, and how divine intervention set me back upon the proper path when I wandered off it and began to get lost.

BTC #11 – Passive Income Through Real Estate Investing

Anyone remotely interested in the real estate investing should find a lot of value in this show. I draw from my long time interest, as well as my experience purchasing and rehabbing seven homes over the past year for the purposes of keeping as rentals, in Jacksonville, Florida. Then we have a talk with a friend of mine, Erik Korondy, who has been killing it as a new investor flipping homes.

BTC #4 – Young, Gay, Out, and Happy

For some people, being gay can feel like a curse. Many people like this desperately want to live life as the person they were born, but fear “coming out” due to backlash and ridicule. This week we have an awesome interview with three people who are “young, gay, out, and happy” discussing what it’s like to be gay and out today.

BTC #3 – Married Sex

The phrase “married sex” has been used to describe sex that is boring, dull, and uneventful. I think it should mean the exact opposite. In this episode I introduce my friend Lance, and we have a discussion not only about the phrase “married sex”, but about married sex in general.

BTC #2 – The Path to Happiness

This week I have a talk with my friend Bill discussing whether or not there really exists a “one true path to happiness”. I discuss my four part theory which includes walking a true and moral path, being confident and loving yourself at your core, giving to others without want of return, and keeping a positive outlook.