About The Site

Hello, and thanks for checking out the site. This is the place where, simply put, we focus on making our lives and the world around us, better.  We do that by focusing on three major areas:

  • Waking up to a lifetime of propaganda and programming that tells us an unfulfilling life is normal
  • Focusing on ways to grab more control of our lives
  • Sharing stories from people pursuing their dreams and living life to the fullest

Intro to Your Host – Ty Whitman


“Thanks for stopping by!  This site truly is a labor of love for me. It’s been the result a lifetime of experience, and a ton of research and deep thought on the subjects. Many of the podcasts are the result of hundreds of hours of in-depth research on each topic. I share my results with you with no filter or agenda. I don’t claim to be perfect by any means, but I am always trying to strive to be the best person I can be. I didn’t grow up with a great home life, and I can get challenged by issues with anxiety and the need for perfection.  I do believe myself to be someone who sees things clearly, who has an instinctive feel for people, who is an open minded philosopher, and who has compassion to see the right thing done.  I’m fortunate enough to have a lot of great friends, a good moral foundation, an optimistic outlook, and I love life.”

Intro to the Podcast – Breaking Your Chains Podcast

“In many ways the podcast has served as a diary of my constant search for “enlightenment”. Sharing it with you gives me the motivation to stay true to the journey. I think the stories that others share with us, the research that pulls the curtain back on several major topics, the deep dive into the human psyche, and the constant journey for betterment, has really helped me to transform as a person. I hope you find the shows equally as educational and impacting as putting them together was for me.

With the podcast I am always going to challenge traditional ways of thinking that may lead us down the wrong path to an unhappy life, where we never really follow our dreams and we never really find our core happiness. I’m also always going to focus on topics that bring us together as a people rather than tear us apart.”

Intro to the YouTube Channel – Breaking Your Chains

“The YouTube channel will seek to send the same message as the podcasts, but in video form and in shorter and slightly less “deep” bursts.”

The best way to contact me directly is through email: TyWhitman@hotmail.com