You Tube

Some of the many reasons I like this “New Normal”

April 20, 2020 – Sacramento Quarantine Protest

Video I put together of a protest against civil liberties being taken away, located in Sacramento, CA. Thousands were there and it was a very civil, family-friendly environment. I should also add that the police were awesome, and weren’t attempting to break it up at all, like some reports I have heard of other protests. They were watching out for any disturbance and guiding traffic, like they would at any large event, but many I spoke with almost seemed to agree with the event

Lying Media Spins Another Story

I was at this protest yesterday in Sacramento. After watching the official news story, I had to share the truth and compare what they showed with photos and video that I took. Whether or not you believe people should “stay at home” does not matter to this. This video is not about that argument. It’s about the media faking yet another story. Someone clearly wanted to portray an image of division between the police and the protesters that did not exist, and they wanted to send a message to people who may want to protest to scare them away.