BTC #23 – Living Outside the Box, and Traveling the World

Today I’m bringing you an interview with some incredible friends of mine, Tim Czarkowski and his wife Victoria, who could not be better examples of the message of this show.  They had a dream of wanting to travel the world nonstop, and so they designed a lifestyle which has allowed them to do just that.

Starting with basically nothing, Tim built up an impressive real estate portfolio in about five years time, which has allowed them to earn passive income to cover all of their bills and expenses.  Victoria designed a career as a traveling nurse, which they can take on the road and which allows her to work all across America.  About two years ago they set off in an RV and began traveling the United States, and the world.

Today we are going to talk about how they were able to do it and then we are going to talk about what it’s like to actually travel as a lifestyle, as well as their experiences from the road.  It’s an awesome show and I’m sure you are going to love it!

As discussed in the show, below are the following links:
The blog page for Tim and Victoria’s travels
Tim’s real estate investing website