BTC #18 – You’re 18. You’ve graduated. Now what?

This can be an incredibly stressful time in the lives of our youth… when they graduate high school, turn 18, and are suddenly expected to make a choice of what they want to do for the rest of their lives.  Many have absolutely no idea what they want to do and yet feel forced to make a choice “right now”.  Others still, may be really conflicted because the mold society had set out for them doesn’t fit who they are.  It’s no wonder that suicide is the third leading cause of death among our youth.

Today we are going to talk to four incredible people who are all facing this leap together, my daughter and three of her best friends.   They have formed an amazing friendship over the years and yet couldn’t come from any more different backgrounds when it comes to their schooling.  We are going to talk about their thoughts on the school system, social programming, massive pressures at this point in life, and what parents do that can either alleviate this stress or increase it.