BYC #47 – Perception

What if I told you that the consensus among experts in the neuroscience field is that we do NOT see the world as it truly is, at all?  The truth is, we don’t!  Every once in a while I come across a subject so amazing that it stuns me, and I just sit there thinking, “This is life changing! Why don’t they cover this in school?” 

This has been one of the best of those subjects, and it has been a total game changer for how I view life on many levels.  Today, we are going to cover a ton related to perception:  The science behind perception; perception vs reality; many of the top studies on perception; and how we can use all of this information to better our lives. 

At discussed in the show, below are the following links:

Invisible Gorilla Experiment
The Door Study
Car Crash Experiment
Fake Arm Experiment

Ellen Show:  Laurel vs Yanni
Anil Seth:  The Neuroscience of Perception video
Beau Lotto:  Stop Chasing Pain podcast, # 217
Study with the blind lady with multiple personalities
Bigger Pockets podcast, #421
Donald Hoffman Ted Talk – Do We See Reality As It Is?
Donald Hoffman – Z Dog MG podcast:  What If We’re Wrong About Reality