BYC #39 – Would Our Government and Our Media Ever Lie To Us?

Has our government ever lied to us about something really big? Has our media ever embellished or created stories with an agenda in mind? Has the CDC ever intentionally led an organized campaign to create and embellish fear around a flu virus, in order to further an end goal? If the answer to all those questions is yes, then our media and our government has earned a skeptical and watchful eye.

We are living in times that are full of fear and anxiety for many right now. While we are focusing so intently on the enemy in front of us, there just may be the world’s biggest heist going on right behind our backs. Maybe we need to take our eyes off the enemy in front for a moment, and turn around before the bigger threat whacks us in the back of the head.

Today, I am going to share a story full of information that you will likely never hear in the mainstream news. I’m not recommending anyone drop their guard completely with regard to either opponent. I only hope to get you thinking…