“I freed a thousand slaves. I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.”
Harriet Tubman
BTC #10 – Social Programming (Podcast)

Today we discuss many of the ways in which we are programmed from an early age to accept a life of mediocrity. We discuss the origins and purpose of schooling, mental programming through the constant influx of messages we receive every day, fears which hamper our drive, the time wasters which distract us, and many other things.
BTC #19 – The Game is Rigged: Why I Quit Voting (Podcast)

Part 1 of 3: Today I’m going to talk about voting, and why I think it is designed to placate and control us, while only giving us the illusion that we have any control. We are also going to talk in depth about the election process and the many ways it is rigged. We are going to talk about the role the media plays in deciding elections and turning our population against one another. We are going to talk about straight up rampant cheating.
BTC #20 – The Golden Rule: Those That Control the Gold Make the Rules (Podcast)

Part 2 of 3: I’ve spent a ton of time researching some pretty important things which we weren’t taught in school, about how money works in our society, about how the banking industry really works, about monetary policy, about economics, about the battle over currency in our nations history, and about who controls it. Today I’m going to share a ton of really interesting findings with you. This “must listen” show is packed with things we we were never taught, but really should know.
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BTC #21 – The Most Powerful Team You’ve Never Heard of (Podcast)

Part 3 of 3: This episode dives into the creation of an extremely powerful group which runs a startling number of this countries policies from behind the scenes, a group with a very boring and unassuming name that is actually very far from boring and unassuming. If you want to have a true awakening to the powers behind the scenes running this country, if you want to know how you are programmed to obey and follow directions, if you want to know where your presidential candidates come from and how they get into office… listen to this show.
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BTC #24 – The Election is Over, But the Corruption Remains (Podcast)

Back in June I started what would end up becoming four months of intensive research into government corruption. With that knowledge fresh on my mind, it was amazing to watch the last election unfold. There were so many subjects which I had to make note of and research further, and it kept me pretty busy. We saw unprecedented exposure of the media and of the shadow government, and we have seen a ton of attempts to deflect that exposure by distracting us and turning us against each other, while still fighting to further their agenda.
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BTC #25 – Brainwashing a Nation: Propaganda Techniques Used Against You Every Day (Podcast)

Harriet Tubman once said “I freed a thousand slaves. I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.” I think of that and I wonder how many of us are truly aware of the propaganda techniques used to persuade the general population of this country to blindly fall in line with the wishes of others. It is amazing how easy we can be convinced to accept a less than stellar life, sacrifice our own freedoms and happiness, and send our children off to fight, kill and die in wars for the benefit of others.
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